
A Shared Mission of Healing

2017 Litzinger Lecture: Hospitality as “Place-Making” for Self and Others

Oct 18, 2017 | FaithHealth Community, FaithHealth Education, FaithHealth Events, population health north carolina

Rev. Tacuma Johnson & Rev. Maria Teresa Jones

“Hospitality as ‘Place-Making’ for Self and Others”

Friday, October 27 at 2 pm

Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, Commons Conference Rooms

RSVP to Karen Kimbrell at [email protected]


Please join us as we hear Rev. Tacuma Johnson and Chaplain Maria Jones share their wisdom on hospitality and spiritual care from each of their unique contexts. The lecture is framed by the 2017 theme for Spiritual Care Week, Hospitality: Cultivating Inclusion.

Rev. Tacuma Johnson

Rev. Tacuma Johnson is a native of Winston-Salem. He earned an undergraduate degree in History with a concentration in African Diaspora Studies at Morehouse College. He also held positions in ministry and, ultimately, earned a Master of Divinity degree at WFU Divinity School. In addition, he completed first- & second-year chaplain residencies at WFBMC. He has served as a Hospice chaplain and in the field of organ donation. In 2015, Rev. Johnson and his wife, Dr. Michelle Johnson, established A People of God, a simple Kingdom Community that is focused on empowering all of God’s children with the spirit, strategies, and structure to live winning lives as a winning people. As Kingdom builders, Rev. Johnson and his wife co-founded a charter school in 2012 to serve the southern Triad community and beyond. In early 2015, the Johnsons also launched The Point Conference & Event Center. In this season, Rev. Johnson believes that God wants us to rely less on the institutions of this world and build infrastructure to support Kingdom Living.

Rev. Maria Teresa Jones

Rev. Maria Teresa Jones is an ordained minister with the United Church of Christ and serves as Associate Pastor and Minister of Health & Wholeness for Wentz Memorial UCC in Winston-Salem. She received her Master of Divinity degree with certification in Spirituality, Religion, and Health Professions from WFU Divinity School. Prior to attending WFU Divinity School, Maria Teresa worked in the WFU Finance & Accounting department for 17 years. She is a retired classical ballet dancer, Vietnam Era Veteran of the US Army, and a Board Certified Chaplain by the Association of Professional Chaplains. Rev. Jones completed first- & second-year chaplain residencies at WFBMC, and is currently the Chaplain for Staff Support at WFBMC and a member of the Critical Incidence Staff Support Team. In her role, she works with staff to provide spiritual support and grief counseling. In addition, she provides support and education around issues related to compassion fatigue, burnout, and moral distress with emphasis on self-care and emotional resiliency.

The Litzinger Lecture Series is held annually in honor of retired Chaplain Supervisor Jane Litzinger. Look for more information in the coming weeks.


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