
A Shared Mission of Healing

FaithHealthNC Videos

FaithHealthNC Videos

FaithHealthNC helps ease the journey to health and healing for people and the communities in which they live by connecting the caring strengths of congregations, the clinical expertise of providers and a network of community resources. Join with FaithHealthNC to...
A Healthy Tomorrow

A Healthy Tomorrow

Here’s another video from the folks at the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement. Sanne Magnan, ICSI’s president and CEO describes it: “In a somewhat humorous way, it illustrates the social determinants of health (SDH) and shows how rising health care costs...
NPR: Health Coaches in Harlem

NPR: Health Coaches in Harlem

City Health Works—African-inspired Experiment in NYC While in South Africa, Manmeet Kaur was working with people with HIV/AIDS and diabetes through a network of “peer health educators,” ordinary people who lived in the community who could help out. When...
Buncombe County: Culture of Health Prize

Buncombe County: Culture of Health Prize

This summer the people of Buncombe County were recognized for their “innovative efforts to improve health.” The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) named the county a winner of the 2014 “Culture of Health Prize.” The county, along with five...