
A Shared Mission of Healing

NC COVID-19 Updates for Faith Leaders

Feb 1, 2021 | Clergy Resource, COVID-19


Faith Leader,

Thank you for all you continue to do to support North Carolina’s pandemic response!

The Faith Leader Toolkit — also in Spanish here — has been updated to provide information about how you can become a Vaccine Ambassador with resources you can use to help protect your community and slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.

North Carolina’s goal is to vaccinate as many people as quickly and equitably as possible. NC is currently vaccinating people in Groups 1 and 2, which include health care workers, those who work and live in a long-term care setting; and anyone 65 years or older. NCDHHS recently released more details about Frontline Essential Workers in their Deeper Dive – Group 3 – clergy fall into Group 3.

Detailed information about each group is online at: (English) or (Spanish). We’re also building better ways for more people to find vaccine information and providers. NCDHHS launched a new online tool, Find My Vaccine Group, this week to help people know when they will be eligible to get their vaccine. By answering a few simple questions, Find My Vaccine Group helps you determine which vaccine group you are in and lets you sign up for notification when your group can get vaccinated.

People can find information on how and where to get their shot at  The website is updated regularly with new flyers, fact sheets and post cards in English and Spanish. Please check regularly for new materials.

Host a Vaccine 101 Presentation

NCDHHS is offering to conduct a presentation for members of your community to answer questions and alleviate concern about the vaccine. If your organization is interested in helping to host a webinar/town hall for members please complete this form and someone will be in touch with you.

Get a Free Ride to Your Vaccination Spot

Don’t let a lack of transportation prevent you from getting to your spot to take your shot. A partnership between the NC Department of Transportation and NCDHHS now provides free rides to those who need transportation to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. Just reach out to your local transit agency.

Thank you for continuing to help us spread the word. We encourage you to visit and use our recently launched Communications Toolkit.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with questions. Stay well.

Carla West —Senior Director for Economic Security, North Carolina State Child Support Director


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