
A Shared Mission of Healing

Join us: Kirsten Peachey “Healing Where Hurt and Hope Intersect”

Mar 9, 2021 | FaithHealth Grand Rounds



FaithHealth Grand Rounds with Kirsten Peachey

Wednesday, March 24,  9-10 am


Join us for a stimulating FaithHealth Grand Rounds, led by our dear colleague with whom we have worked for decades, Rev. Dr. Kirsten Peachey.

Kirsten, Vice President of Faith Outreach at AdvocateAuroraHealth, based in Chicago, Illinois, is a deeply reflective thinker and practitioner at the intersection of faith and health, and has done amazing work through several decades, blending the worlds of health systems, public health, congregations, chaplaincy and more, in a brilliant fashion.  Under Kirsten’s leadership, Advocate Aurora has become a trailblazer in the field of faith and community health, particularly in engaging faith communities as partners in promoting health equity.

Kirsten will be sharing on the topic of “Healing Where Hurt and Hope Intersect.”  We know from experience that hurt and hope are not separate parts of our life. They flow into and affect each other. Both are real. There is suffering and struggle and there is almost always something happening in or around us that connects us to an alternative future. When we hold hurt and hope together, we are in a powerful land. In this session we will explore what happens in that middle space where hurt and hope intersect and talk about implications for pastoral care, leadership and community engagement.

Please join us on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 9 a.m. via the Zoom link below, to hear more about this exciting body of work in the area of resiliency and healing from Rev. Dr. Peachey.

-Teresa Cutts


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