
A Shared Mission of Healing

Mother’s Day Offering 2018

Mar 13, 2018 | Mother's Day Offering

For resources and more information on the Mother’s Day Offering GO HERE!

The gifts of North Carolina Baptists to the Mother’s Day Offering and the wonderful care of Wake Forest Baptist Health had a tremendous impact on the road to healing for Holly Beasley, Rev. Gary McCollough and for Martha Holt after the death of her husband John.

Holly Beasley was born with cystic fibrosis and grew up going to Wake Forest Baptist Health. The caring relationships nurtured there among the doctors and nurses were life changing to Holly and her family. Rev. Gary McCollough was assisted with his medical bills from the hospital through the 25% minister’s subsidy and additional funds from the Mother’s Day Offering. Martha Holt was assisted in paying off the hospital bill balance from her husband John’s illness. Each of these families were impacted by the love and generosity of North Carolina Baptists through your gifts to the Mother’s Day Offering.

Our 2018 Offering video highlights their stories along with an introduction to the Mother’s Day Offering by Rev. Leland Kerr, Health Care Liaison, with FaithHealthNC.


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