
A Shared Mission of Healing

Training: Hope, help and healing in the opioid crisis

Dec 12, 2018 | community health worker, FaithHealth Events, population health north carolina

Dec, 13, 2018, 9 am – 5 pm
Dec. 14, 2018, 9 am – 5 pm

Novant Health Kernersville Medical Center
1750 Kernersville Medical Pkwy
Kernersville, NC

Register HERE.

Note: This training is free to all attendees with limited seating available. Register early for this event.

Program Summary
North Carolina’s opioid crisis is killing people at a record-breaking pace. Opioid deaths increased 800% between 1999 and 2016. Many communities across the state are coming together to create a meaningful response to this healthcare crisis. This continuing professional development activity is designed to bring together partners across our state to develop strategies that can be implemented by faith based organizations in collaboration with the community coalitions and partners.

The purpose of this program is to equip participants with the needed information to respond to this opioid epidemic through evidenced based education, best practices from other communities experiencing positive outcomes, and meaningful collaborative relationships with community partners. A showcase of community partners will be open throughout the day and ample time will be provided for networking opportunities. Grab a work group of people from your county and come learn how you can make a difference with the help of local faith communities.

Program Objectives

  • Educate the faith community on prescription misuse, substance use disorder, and reduce the stigma of addiction
  • Help the faith community be better prepared to handle substance use issues within their own families, the workplace and the community
  • Help faith communities better understand all aspects of addiction – prevention, treatment, and recovery
    Provide faith communities and organizations strategies aimed to identify resources in their community to support their congregation who have a substance use disorder to appropriate intervention and treatment organizations
  • Develop action steps for ways faith communities can get actively involved in helping address the issue

Audience. This training is designed for community members, non profit professionals, first responders, faith based congregations and leaders as well as professionals who are seeking additional knowledge and training about the integration of faith based approaches with substance abuse prevention.

Skill Level. The event is intended to serve the needs of novice to moderately skilled community members.

Meals Information. Lunch will be provided at no cost for both days of the event. Meals are provided via sponsorship by Community Care of North Carolina: Northwest Community Care Network and Community Care of North Carolina: Partnership for Community Care.

About the North Carolina Training and Technical Assistance Center (NCTTA). The NCTTA provides training and technical assistance to North Carolina Substance Abuse Prevention Providers and interested communities. Services include:

  • Developing tools and strategies to improve the quality of substance abuse prevention activities
  • Providing technical assistance and learning resources
  • Improving the understanding of prevention science
  • Encouraging the use of epidemiological data to guide prevention planning
  • Assisting in the selection and implementation of evidence-based and promising prevention practices

The North Carolina Training and Technical Assistance Center provides training and technical assistance as a no-cost service with support from the NC DHHS Division of MH/DD/SAS. To learn more about the NCTTA visit

About the Trainers. TTJ Group, LLC promotes public health by collaborating with communities to create and provide innovative and culturally appropriate services on a national level. The Group has a seventy-five (75) plus network of content consultants and associates included to provide work in this proposal who have worked with prevention programs nationally and specifically within their professions and are specialist in substance abuse disorder prevention, and public health. They each have a solid understanding of working with faith-based organizations and communities, Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and understanding of program sustainability. They represent over two hundred years of experience in the human service field.

Register HERE.


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